Did you know that?
women through their pain,problems by throughing their tears but men not to do that and they Pressured their problem in their heart which is the cause of heart attack.
if you are a student then you know about the effect of changing gravity.Science say that your weight is equal to multification of your mass and your regional gravity. ( w=m*g)
- what is the full form of JCB ?
Do you know about jcb ? yes or no ? comment us below. So, come to our topics.what is the full from of jcb ? I want to say that your knowledge , jcb is a machine for dig and dig somewhere. So the full form of jcb is Joseph Cyril Bamford. Joseph Cyril Bamford is a british person who envent the JCB as A usefull machine.
2.fact about a man
- A man think about marriage more than a woman, after committing to someone.
- A man measures beauty of a girl from the way she behave with their friends and family.
- A man’s behaviour changes according to situations. They behave like a strong person in front of all but inside the four walls, they just need someone to lean on and tell how life is treating them.
- It’s not easy to handle a woman who is crying their heart out. But it is more difficult to handle your own tears back when a man is crying.
- A man is like a Alpha male, whether they show it or not. Touch their woman, all they will see is blood.
- A man’s brain works very differently. It is not easy to know, if they are actually dumb or acting as a dumb.( quora.com)
4. what is the effect of changing gravity ?

so gravity is a effective way to change your weight .
so friend my time is finished.Next day i will write more fact .Thank you ! !